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Journal papersConference papersChaptersMonographsAbstractsPreprints

Journal papers

2025(50) Masopust, T., Osička, P., On Algorithms verifying Initial-and-Final-State Opacity: Complexity, Special Cases, and Comparison, Automatica 174, 112171, 2025; doi. Shared link. Preprint: arXiv, pdf, git repository.
2024(49) Komenda, J., Masopust, T., Supervisory Control of Modular Discrete-Event Systems under Partial Observation: Normality, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 69(6), 3796-3807, 2024; doi. Preprint: arXiv, pdf.
2023(48) Komenda, J., Masopust, T., Hierarchical Supervisory Control under Partial Observation: Normality, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 68(12), 7286-7298, 2023; doi. Preprint: arXiv, pdf.
(47) Balun, J., Masopust, T., Verifying Weak and Strong k-Step Opacity in Discrete-Event Systems, Automatica 155, 111153, 2023; doi. Preprint: arXiv and pdf.
2022(46) Liu, Y., Komenda, J., Masopust, T., Li, Z., Modular Control of Discrete-Event Systems using Similarity, Automatica 142, 110431, 2022; doi. Preprint: pdf.
2021(45) Balun, J., Masopust, T., On Verification of D-Detectability for Discrete Event Systems, Automatica 133, 109884, 2021; doi. Preprint: pdf.
(44) Balun, J., Masopust, T., Comparing the Notions of Opacity for Discrete-Event Systems, Discrete Event Dynamic Systems 31, 553-582, 2021; SharedIt link, doi. Preprint: arXiv, pdf.
(43) Reveliotis, S., Masopust, T., Ibrahim, M., Polynomial-Time Optimal Liveness Enforcement for Guidepath-based Transport Systems, Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems 41, 101058, 2021; doi. Preprint: pdf.
(42) Masopust, T., Krötzsch, M., Partially Ordered Automata and Piecewise Testability, Logical Methods in Computer Science 17(2), 14:1-14:36, 2021; link. Preprint: arXiv, pdf.
2020(41) Reveliotis, S., Masopust, T., Efficient Liveness Assessment for Traffic States in Open, Irreversible, Dynamically Routed, Zone-Controlled Guidepath-based Transport Systems, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 65(7), 2883-2898, 2020; doi. Preprint: pdf
(40) Masopust, T., Critical Observability for Automata and Petri Nets, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 65(1), 341-346, 2020; doi. Preprint: pdf, arXiv
2019(39) Masopust, T., Yin, X., Deciding Detectability for Labeled Petri Nets, Automatica 104, 238-241, 2019; doi. Preprint: arXiv
(38) Holub, Š., Masopust, T., Thomazo, M., On the Height of Towers of Subsequences and Prefixes, Information and Computation 265, 77-93, 2019; doi. Preprint: arxiv
(37) Masopust, T., Yin, X., Complexity of Detectability, Opacity and A-Diagnosability for Modular Discrete Event Systems, Automatica 101, 290-295, 2019; doi. Preprint: pdf, arxiv
(36) Lin, L., Masopust, T., Wonham, W. M., Su, R., Automatic Generation of Optimal Reductions of Distributions, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 64(3), 896-911, 2019; doi. Preprint: pdf, arxiv
2018(35) Masopust, T., Complexity of Deciding Detectability in Discrete Event Systems, Automatica 93, 257-261, 2018; doi. Preprint: arxiv
(34) Masopust, T., Complexity of Verifying Nonblockingness in Modular Supervisory Control, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 63(2), 602-607, 2018; doi. Preprint: pdf, arXiv
(33) Masopust, T., Complexity of Infimal Observable Superlanguages, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 63(1), 249-254, 2018; doi. Preprint: pdf, arXiv
(32) Masopust, T., Separability by Piecewise Testable Languages is PTime-Complete, Theoretical Computer Science 711, 109-114, 2018; doi. Preprint: pdf, arXiv
2017(31) Krötzsch, M., Masopust, T., Thomazo, M., Complexity of Universality and Related Problems for Partially Ordered NFAs, Information and Computation 255, Part 1, 177-192, 2017; doi. Preprint: arXiv.
(30) Masopust, T., Thomazo, M., On boolean combinations forming piecewise testable languages, Theoretical Computer Science 682, 165-179, 2017; doi. Preprint: pdf.
(29) Komenda, J., Masopust, T., Computation of Controllable and Coobservable Sublanguages in Decentralized Supervisory Control via Communication, Discrete Event Dynamic Systems 27(4), 585-608, 2017. The final publication is available at Springer via doi. SharedIt. Preprint: pdf, arXiv
2016(28) Komenda, J., Masopust, T., Distributed computation of supremal conditionally-controllable sublanguages, International Journal of Control 89(2), 424-436, 2016; doi, pdf.
2015(27) Komenda, J., Masopust, T., van Schuppen J.H., Coordination Control of Discrete-Event Systems Revisited, Discrete Event Dynamic Systems 25(1), 65-94, 2015; pdf. The original publication is available at Springer via doi.
2013(26) Masopust, T., A Note on Limited Pushdown Alphabets in Stateless Deterministic Pushdown Automata, International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 24(3), 319-328, 2013; doi, pdf.
2012(25) Komenda, J., Masopust, T., van Schuppen, J.H., On Conditional Decomposability, Systems & Control Letters 61(12), 1260-1268, 2012; doi, pdf.
(24) Masopust, T., A note on controllability of deterministic context-free systems, Automatica 48(8), 1934-1937, 2012; doi, pdf.
(23) Jirásková, G., Masopust, T., On a structural property in the state complexity of projected regular languages, Theoretical Computer Science 449, 93-105, 2012; doi, pdf.
(22) Komenda, J., Masopust, T., van Schuppen, J.H., Supervisory Control Synthesis of Discrete-Event Systems using a Coordination Scheme, Automatica 48(2), 247-254, 2012; doi, pdf.
(21) Dassow, J., Masopust, T., On restricted context-free grammars, Journal of Computer and System Sciences 78(1), 293-304, 2012; doi, pdf.
2011(20) Jirásková, G., Masopust, T., Complexity in Union-Free Regular Languages, International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 22(7), 1639-1653, 2011; doi, pdf.
(19) Van Schuppen, J. H., Boutin, O., Kempker, P. L., Komenda, J., Masopust, T., Pambakian, N., Ran, A. C. M., Control of Distributed Systems: Tutorial and Overview, European Journal of Control 17(5-6), 579-602, 2011; doi, pdf.
(18) Komenda, J., Masopust, T., van Schuppen, J.H., Synthesis of Controllable and Normal Sublanguages for Discrete-Event Systems using a Coordinator, Systems & Control Letters 60(7), 492-502, 2011; doi, pdf.

(17) Csuhaj-Varjú, E., Masopust, T., Vaszil, Gy., Blackhole Pushdown Automata, Fundamenta Informaticae 112(2-3), 137-156, 2011; doi, pdf.
(16) Křivka, Z., Masopust, T., Cooperating Distributed Grammar Systems with Random Context Grammars as Components, Acta Cybernetica 20(2), 269-283, 2011; pdf.
2010(15) Masopust, T., Regulated nondeterminism in pushdown automata: the non-regular case, Fundamenta Informaticae 104, 111-124, 2010; doi, pdf.
(14) Goldefus, F., Masopust, T., Meduna, A., Left-forbidding cooperating distributed grammar systems, Theoretical Computer Science 411, 3661-3667, 2010; doi, pdf.
(13) Masopust T., Bounded Number of Parallel Productions in Scattered Context Grammars with Three Nonterminals, Fundamenta Informaticae 99(4), 473-480, 2010; doi, pdf.
(12) Masopust T., Simple restriction in context-free rewriting, Journal of Computer and System Sciences 76(8), 837-846, 2010; doi, pdf.
2009(11) Csuhaj-Varjú, E., Masopust, T., Vaszil, G., Cooperating Distributed Grammar Systems with Permitting Grammars as Components, Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology 12(2), 175-189, 2009; pdf.
(10) Masopust, T., Meduna, A., On context-free rewriting with a simple restriction and its computational completeness, RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications 43(2), 365-378, 2009; doi, pdf.
(9) Masopust, T., Meduna, A., On Pure Multi-Pushdown Automata that Perform Complete Pushdown Pops, Acta Cybernetica 19(2), 537-552, 2009; pdf.
(8) Masopust, T., On the Descriptional Complexity of Scattered Context Grammars, Theoretical Computer Science 410(1), 108-112, 2009; doi, pdf.
(7) Masopust, T., On the Terminating Derivation Mode in Cooperating Distributed Grammar Systems with Forbidding Components, International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 20(2), 331-340, 2009; doi, pdf.
2008(6) Masopust, T., Meduna, A., Šimáček, J., Two Power-Decreasing Derivation Restrictions in Generalized Scattered Context Grammars, Acta Cybernetica 18(4), 783-793, 2008; pdf.
(5) Masopust, T., Meduna, A., On Descriptional Complexity of Partially Parallel Grammars, Fundamenta Informaticae 87(3), 407-415, 2008; pdf.
(4) Masopust, T., Techet, J., Leftmost Derivations of Propagating Scattered Context Grammars: A New Proof, Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science 10(2), 39-46, 2008; pdf.
(3) Masopust, T., Descriptional Complexity of Multi-Parallel Grammars, Information Processing Letters 108(2), 68-70, 2008; doi, pdf.
2007(2) Masopust, T., Meduna, A., Descriptional complexity of semi-conditional grammars, Information Processing Letters 104(1), 29-31, 2007; doi, pdf.
(1) Meduna, A., Masopust, T., Self-Regulating Finite Automata, Acta Cybernetica 18(1), 135-153, 2007; pdf.

Conference papers

2023(43) Balun, J., Masopust, T., Osička, P., Speed Me up if You Can: Conditional Lower Bounds on Opacity Verification, International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS 2023), LIPIcs 272, 16:1--16:15, 2023. doi, arXiv, pdf
2022(42) Balun, J., Masopust, T., On Transformations among Opacity Notions, IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), 3012-3017, 2022, doi. Preprint: pdf, Extended version available at arXiv.
(41) Balun, J., Masopust, T., On Verification of Weak and Strong k-Step Opacity for Discrete-Event Systems, WODES 2022, IFAC PapersOnLine 55(28), 108–113, 2022, doi. Preprint: pdf. Extended version available at arXiv and pdf.
2020(40) Reveliotis, S., Masopust, T., Efficient Assessment of State Liveness in Open, Irreversible, Dynamically Routed, Zone-Controlled Guidepath-based Transport Systems: The General Case, Proc. of Workshop on Discrete Event Systems (WODES), IFAC-PapersOnLine 53(4), 235-242, 2020, doi. Preprint: pdf
(39) Balun, J., Masopust, T., On Verification of Strong Periodic D-Detectability for Discrete Event Systems, Proc. of Workshop on Discrete Event Systems (WODES), IFAC-PapersOnLine 53(4), 263-268, 2020, doi. Preprint: arXiv, pdf
(38) Komenda, J., Masopust, T., Conditions for Hierarchical Supervisory Control under Partial Observation, Proc. of Workshop on Discrete Event Systems (WODES), IFAC-PapersOnLine 53(4), 303-308, 2020, doi. Preprint: arXiv, pdf (arXiv and pdf versions contain a list of mistakes in the paper).
(37) Balun, J., Masopust, T., On Opacity Verification for Discrete-Event Systems, Proc. of IFAC World Congress, IFAC-PapersOnLine 53(2), 2075-2080, 2020, doi. Preprint: arXiv, pdf
(36) Komenda, J., Masopust, T., Van Schuppen, J.H., Maximal Permissiveness of Modular Supervisory Control via Multilevel Structuring, Proc. of IFAC World Congress, IFAC PapersOnLine 53(2), 2116-2121, 2020, doi.
2019(35) Reveliotis, S., Masopust, T., Some new results on the state liveness of open guidepath-based traffic systems, Proc. of Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED 2019), 398-404, doi. Preprint: pdf
2018(34) Masopust, T., Krötzsch, M., Deciding Universality of ptNFAs is PSpace-Complete, Proc. of International Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science (SOFSEM), LNCS 10706, pp. 413-427, 2018, doi. Preprint: pdf, arXiv
2016(33) Krötzsch, M., Masopust, T., Thomazo, M., On the Complexity of Universality for Partially Ordered NFAs, Proc. of International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS), LIPIcs 58, 61:1--61:14, 2016. doi, report
(32) Masopust, T., Piecewise Testable Languages and Nondeterministic Automata, Proc. of International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS), LIPIcs 58, 67:1--67:14, 2016. doi, report
(31) Komenda, J., Masopust, T., Van Schuppen, J.H., Control of an Engineering-Structured Multilevel Discrete-Event System, Proc. of International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems (WODES), pp. 103-108, Xi'an, China, 2016. doi
(30) Komenda, J., Masopust, T., Van Schuppen, J.H., Distributed Computation of Maximally Permissive Supervisors in Three-Level Relaxed Coordination Control of Discrete-Event Systems, Proc. of IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), pp. 441-446, Las Vegas, NV, USA, 2016. doi, IEEExplore
2015(29) Komenda, J., Masopust, T., Van Schuppen, J.H., On a Distributed Computation of Supervisors in Modular Supervisory Control, Proc. of International Conference on Complex Systems Engineering (ICCSE), Connecticut, USA, 2015, doi (extended abstract available here pdf and at arXiv).
(28) Komenda, J., Masopust, T., van Schuppen, J.H., Multilevel Coordination Control of Partially Observed Modular DES, Proc. of American Control Conference (ACC), pp. 384-389, Chicago, IL, USA, 2015, pdf, doi
(27) Masopust, T., Thomazo, M., On the Complexity of k-Piecewise Testability and the Depth of Automata, Proc. of Developments in Language Theory (DLT), LNCS 9168, pp. 364-376, Liverpool, UK, 2015. The original publication is available at www.springerlink.com. (Extended abstract of "On k-piecewise testability (preliminary report)" available at pdf.) Slides
(26) Komenda, J., Masopust, T., van Schuppen, J.H., Relative Observability in Coordination Control, Proc. of 11th IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (IEEE CASE 2015), Gothenburg, Sweden, pp, 75-80, 2015, preprint, doi.
2014(25) Holub, Š., Jirásková, G., Masopust, T., On Upper and Lower Bounds on the Length of Alternating Towers, Proc. of MFCS 2014, LNCS 8634, pp. 315-326. Springer, Heidelberg 2014, pdf. The original publication is available at www.springerlink.com.
(24) Komenda, J., Masopust, T., van Schuppen, J.H., Bottom-Up Approach to Multilevel Supervisory Control with Coordination, Proc. of the 13th European Control Conference (ECC), pp. 2715-2720. EUCA, Strasbourg, France, 2014, pdf, doi.
(23) Komenda, J., Masopust, T., Decentralized Supervisory Control with Communicating Supervisors Based on Top-Down Coordination Control, Proc. of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), pp. 5149-5155. IEEE Control Systems Society, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 2014, pdf, doi.
2013(22) Jirásková, G., Masopust, T., On the State Complexity of the Reverse of R- and J-trivial Regular Languages, H. Jürgensen and R. Reis (Eds.), Proc. of DCFS 2013, LNCS 8031, pp. 136-147. Springer Berlin Heidelberg 2013, pdf. The original publication is available at www.springerlink.com.
(21) Czerwiński, W., Martens, W., Masopust, T., Efficient Separability of Regular Languages by Subsequences and Suffixes, F. V. Fomin, R. Freivalds, M. Kwiatkowska, D. Peleg (Eds.), Proc. of ICALP 2013, LNCS 7966, pp. 150-161. Springer Berlin Heidelberg 2013, pdf. The original publication is available at www.springerlink.com.
(20) Komenda, J., Masopust, T., van Schuppen, J.H., Multilevel Coordination Control of Modular DES, Th. Parisini, R. Tempo (Eds.), Proc. of the 52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), pp. 6323-6328. IEEE Control Systems Society, Florence, Italy, 2013, pdf, doi.
(19) Komenda, J., Masopust, T., A Bridge between Decentralized and Coordination Control, Proc. of the 51st Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, pp. 966-972, IEEE Control Systems Society, Allerton House, UIUC, Illinois, USA, 2013, pdf, doi.
2012(18) Komenda, J., Masopust, T., van Schuppen J.H., On Algorithms and Extensions of Coordination Control of Discrete-Event Systems, A. Ramírez-Treviño, J.-J. Lesage, M. Silva (Eds.), WODES 2012, Guadalajara, Mexico, IFAC, pp. 245-250, 2012, pdf. The original publication is available at www.ifac-papersonline.net. (Note: Proposition 17 is not correct.)
(17) Jirásková, G., Masopust, T., On Properties and State Complexity of Deterministic State-Partition Automata, IFIP Theoretical Computer Science (TCS 2012), J.C.M. Baeten, T. Ball, and F.S. de Boer (Eds.): LNCS 7604, pp. 164-178, IFIP International Federation for Information Processing (2012), pdf. The original publication is available at www.springerlink.com.
(16) Jirásková, G., Masopust, T., On the State and Computational Complexity of the Reverse of Acyclic Minimal DFAs, N. Moreira and R. Reis (Eds.), Proc. of CIAA 2012, LNCS 7381, pp. 229-239. Springer, Berlin, 2012, pdf. The original publication is available at www.springerlink.com.
2011(15) Boutin, O., Komenda, J., Masopust, T., Schmidt, K., van Schuppen, J.H., Hierarchical Control with Partial Observations: Sufficient Conditions, Proc. of IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference, Orlando, Florida, pp. 1817-1822, 2011, pdf, doi
(14) Jirásková, G., Masopust, T., State Complexity of Projected Languages, M. Holzer, M. Kutrib, and G. Pighizzini (Eds.), Proc. of DCFS 2011, LNCS 6808, pp. 198-211. Springer, Heidelberg, 2011, pdf. The original publication is available at www.springerlink.com.
(13) Komenda, J., Masopust, T., van Schuppen, J.H., Coordinated Control of Discrete Event Systems with Nonprefix-Closed Languages, Proc. of IFAC WC 2011, pp. 6982-6987, Milano, Italy, 2011, pdf, doi
2010(12) Csuhaj-Varjú, E., Masopust, T., Vaszil, Gy., Blackhole State-Controlled Regulated Pushdown Automata, Proc. of Second Workshop on Non-Classical Models for Automata and Applications (NCMA 2010), Bordihn, H. and Freund, R. and Hinze, T. and Holzer, M. and Kutrib, M. and Otto, F. (eds.), books@ocg.at, band 263, Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft, Wien, 45-56, 2010, pdf
(11) Jirásková, G., Masopust, T., Complexity in Union-Free Regular Languages, Proc. of Developments in Language Theory (DLT 2010), Gao, Y., Lu, H., Seki, S., Yu, S., LNCS 6224, Springer, Berlin, 255-266, 2010, pdf. The original publication is available at www.springerlink.com.
(10) Komenda, J., Masopust, T., van Schuppen, J. H., Synthesis of Safe Sublanguages satisfying Global Specification using Coordination Scheme for Discrete-Event Systems, Proc. of Workshop on Discrete Event Systems (WODES 2010), Raisch, J., Giua, A., Lafortune, S., Moor, Th., IFAC, Laxenburg, 436-441, 2010, pdf, doi
(9) Komenda, J., Masopust, T., Supremal Normal Sublanguages in Hierarchical Supervisory Control, Proc. of Workshop on Discrete Event Systems (WODES 2010), Raisch, J., Giua, A., Lafortune, S., Moor, Th., IFAC, Laxenbourg, 121-126, 2010, pdf, doi
2009(8) Křivka, Z., Masopust, T., A Note on the Cooperation in Rewriting Systems with Context-Dependency Checking, Proc. of 11th Italian Conference on Theoretical Computer Science, Cremona, IT, p. 129-135, 2009, pdf
(7) Masopust, T., Meduna, A., Descriptional Complexity of Three-Nonterminal Scattered Context Grammars: An Improvement, Proc. of 11th International Workshop on Descriptional Complexity of Formal Systems (DCFS 2009), Magdeburg, Germany, p. 235-245, 2009, pdf
(6) Masopust, T., A Note on the Generative Power of Some Simple Variants of Context-Free Grammars Regulated by Context Conditions, Proc. of LATA 2009, LNCS 5457, Springer, Berlin, p. 554-565, 2009, pdf. The original publication is available at www.springerlink.com.
(5) Masopust, T., Regulated Nondeterminism in PDAs: The Non-Regular Case, Proc. of Workshop on Non-Classical Models of Automata and Applications (NCMA 2009), Wroclaw, Poland, ocg, p. 181-194, 2009, pdf
2008(4) Masopust, T., Meduna, A., On Pure Multi-Pushdown Automata that Perform Complete-Pushdown Pops, Proc. of 12th International Conference on Automata and Formal Languages (AFL 2008), Balatonfured, Hungary, p. 325-336, 2008, pdf
2007(3) Masopust, T., Meduna, A., Descriptional Complexity of Generalized Forbidding Grammars, Proc. of 9th International Workshop on Descriptional Complexity of Formal Systems, High Tatras, Slovakia, p. 170-177, 2007, pdf
(2) Masopust, T., Meduna, A., Descriptional Complexity of Grammars Regulated by Context Conditions, Pre-proc. of LATA 2007. Reports of the Research Group on Mathematical Linguistics 35/07, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain, p. 403-411, 2007, pdf
(1) Masopust, T., Scattered Context Grammars Can Generate the Powers of 2, Proc. of the 13th Conference STUDENT EEICT 2007, Volume 4, Brno, Czechia, p. 401-404, 2007, pdf

Chapters in monographs

2015(6) Komenda, J., Masopust, T., Supervisory Control of Discrete-Event Systems, in Coordination Control of Distributed Systems, van Schuppen, J.H., Villa, T. (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Vol. 456, pp. 129-136. Springer International Publishing, 2015. The original publication is available at www.springerlink.com.
(5) Komenda, J., Masopust, T., Coordination Control of Distributed Discrete-Event Systems, in Coordination Control of Distributed Systems, van Schuppen, J.H., Villa, T. (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Vol. 456, pp. 137-144. Springer International Publishing, 2015. The original publication is available at www.springerlink.com.
2013(4) Komenda, J., Masopust, T., van Schuppen J.H., Coordination Control of Distributed Discrete-Event Systems, in Control of Discrete-event Systems, Seatzu, C., Silva, M., van Schuppen, J.H. (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Vol. 433, pp. 147-167. Springer, Berlin, 2013. The original publication is available at www.springerlink.com.
(3) Komenda, J., Masopust, T., van Schuppen J.H., Supervisory Control of Distributed Discrete-Event Systems, in Control of Discrete-event Systems, Seatzu, C., Silva, M., van Schuppen, J.H. (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Vol. 433, pp. 107-126. Springer, Berlin, 2013. The original publication is available at www.springerlink.com.
(2) Masopust, T., van Schuppen J.H., Supervisory Control with Complete Observations, in Control of Discrete-event Systems, Seatzu, C., Silva, M., van Schuppen, J.H. (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Vol. 433, pp. 45-64. Springer, Berlin, 2013. The original publication is available at www.springerlink.com.
(1) Haar, S., Masopust, T., Languages, Decidability, and Complexity, in Control of Discrete-event Systems, Seatzu, C., Silva, M., van Schuppen, J.H. (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Vol. 433, pp. 23-43. Springer, Berlin, 2013. The original publication is available at www.springerlink.com. pdf.


2007 (1) Masopust, T., Formal models: regulation and reduction, Brno, Czechia, FIT VUT, 2007, pdf


2012 (1) libFAUDES -- A Software Library for Supervisory Control, composed by Moor, T., Schmidt, K., Masopust, T., presented at CIAA 2012 demo session, Porto, Portugal, 2012, pdf


Balun, J., Masopust, T., Osička, P., K-Step Opacity Benchmarsk for Discrete Event Systems, May 2024, pdf, git repository
Balun, J., Masopust, T., K-Step Opacity in Discrete Event Systems: Verification, Complexity, and Relations, 2021. arXiv, pdf
Komenda, J., Masopust, T., Van Schuppen, J.H., A Relaxed Framework for Coordination Control of Discrete-Event Systems, 2015. pdf
Komenda, J., Masopust, T., Van Schuppen, J.H., Combined Top-down and Bottom-up Approach to Multilevel Supervisory Control, 2015. pdf
Holub, Š., Masopust, T., Thomazo, M., Alternating Towers and Piecewise Testable Separators, 2014. arXiv
Masopust, T., A Note on Undecidability of Observation Consistency for Non-Regular Languages, 2012. pdf
Jirásková, G., Masopust, T., Properties and Complexity of Deterministic State-Partition Automata, extended IFIP TCS 2012 version, 2012. pdf
Masopust, T., Ricker, L., Another Approach to Conditional Decomposability for Discrete-Event Systems, 2012. pdf